There’s a lot of advice out there on how to save your marriage — some of it might even work.
However, one idea that’s often suggested is going on a shared vacation in order to try to reconnect and rekindle the romance together — and that advice, according to many lawyers, might actually toll the bell on your marriage for good.
Why do lawyers think a romantic vacation — or even a family vacation — won’t rekindle the embers of love between you and your spouse? Because they often think of the end of summer as the second unofficial divorce season of the year.
Divorce filing seems to have two seasonal peaks — one right after the holidays and again right about the start of August when most families and couples have just come back from vacation.
While there are various theories about exactly why the sudden onrushes happen, there’s speculation that several things may be responsible for the trend:
— The anticipation of the vacation or retreat is better than the actual experience. In fact, having to be in a small space, like a hotel room, could aggravate the conflicts couples already feel. If the rosy picture of a romantic fantasy trip or a fun-filled family vacation doesn’t actually materialize, they feel even more let down and disappointed than before.
— The vacation gives couples time to think about what they really want out of life and realize that they have been deeply unhappy for a long time. Seeing other people actively in love or families that are enjoying their time together makes them reevaluate their decision to try to remain married.
— The school year starts right about that time as well. Couples with school-age children are able to spend more time facing their conflicts with each other and can devote more energy into the divorce. They also can engage in open conflict with their spouse while the kids are at school and out of the house.
Given that the next divorce season is coming soon, you may want to consider contacting an attorney as soon as possible.
Source: beliefnet, “How to Save Your Marriage,” Corine Gatti, accessed July 05, 2017